Who can join Cast It Talent? |
Cast It Talent is open to both Union and Non-Union actors, as well as Represented and Unrepresented talent. We welcome talent from any geographical location in the world, not just Los Angeles and New York. Agents and managers can also join Cast It Talent- for free!- and set up accounts for their clients.
Who can see my profile and the media on it? |
Unless you share your Actor URL with someone, your profile is not publicly discoverable. Additionally, every video submitted through Cast It Talent is automatically set to ‘Private,’ so only you and the Casting Office you submit to can access this video.
That said, you have two options to control how your profile and media are seen or not seen:
- On your Edit Profile page you can set your entire profile to be visible by either Casting Directors Only or by Actors, Agents, and Casting Directors.
- You can navigate to your Media Tab and mouse over any media icon to toggle between either "include" or "remove" from public profile.
How much does it cost? |
A Cast It Talent Pro membership costs only $19 per month (or $180 per year), and enables you to:
- Upload, host, and share up to 20GB of videos, headshots, and resumes
- Submitting to all of the roles in your Roles Tab for FREE
Is there an option to have a free Basic Membership? |
To sign up for a basic account, please go to https://castittalent.com/MEMBERSHIP-TALENT/
If you received a submission link for a specific project from your Talent Representative, you will be able to register for a basic account directly from the submission page.
What can I do with my Cast It Talent Membership? |
A Basic (free) membership allows an actor to submit a headshot, resume, and video to any of the roles on our website under the Roles Tab - this may be subject to a video submission fee of $5.
These are different from the Roles that are made available by Casting Directors that are disseminated through the Breakdowns.
A Pro membership actor can create packages that include videos (and store up to 20GB of Media), e.g. A comedy package or drama package, and then:
- From their package page send that package to any of the 700+ Casting Director and Studio inboxes that are in our Drop Down - these are the inboxes for major Casting Directors.
- Pro members can also submit to any of the projects in our Roles Tab, just as the Basic Members can above, and
- They can create a URL that they can email to anyone with their package.
Pro membership options:
- Annual membership = $15.00/month (lump sum of $180).
- Monthly membership = $19.00/month
I have multiple children that act. How can I manage all of their Cast It Talent profiles from one log in? |
If you are managing multiple child accounts (or your own personal account and a child account) we suggest creating a Family Account here: https://www.castittalent.com/familysignup.aspx. This way you can manage multiple profiles (your children and your own personal profile) from one email log in.
If you decide to sign up one member of your family account for a Pro account please let us know at talent@castitsystems.com. When you sign up for a pro account, up to four other members of your family account will be upgraded for free!
Why isn't it free to upload and share video? |
Hosting video is data-intensive and incurs costs for storage and transmission. Further, charging a fee allows us to keep the database free of junk and duplicate accounts, which allows the casting community to trust Cast It Talent as the optimal source for talent, both represented and undiscovered.
I can’t find a submission deadline for a particular project. How will I know when the role is closed? |
Casting does not set a specific submission deadline for many projects. Casting also has the ability to turn off their roles at any time, which will remove them from our Roles page. We suggest that you submit as soon as possible, as to not miss your chance!
How do I cancel my account/Switch to a Basic Account? |
You can cancel your account by clicking the "Cancel Account" button on your account page (upper right-hand corner). Your account will immediately be reverted to a free, basic membership.
What is Cast It and how is it related to Cast It Talent? |
Cast It is the site used by most of the television and film productions to cast projects. Cast It Systems operates a paid, premium business database and web service and maintains contracts with all of the studios to provide electronic casting services. There are other online casting databases, but Cast It is the only one that regularly passes rigorous security audits by the studios and has won the endorsement of every major studio.
- Casting for 85% of network television shows is done using Cast It.
- Casting for 95% of mid and large budget studio features is done on Cast It.
- Casting for 60% of independent features that have studio distribution is done on Cast It.
- All of the major Casting Directors working today use Cast It to manage the casting process. When you go to a casting office where your audition is video taped, that audition is then uploaded to Cast It so it can be viewed, discussed and approved by production executives. Cast It Talent is the Actor's direct link into Cast It.
What should I submit for a role if there are no sides posted? |
We do not always receive sides or even all of the breakdown information, but we always post what we have. We recommend that you submit your headshot, resume, and demo reel or appropriate self-tape. This is similar to an agent pitching a client.
Casting will contact you directly if they decide to share sides or schedule auditions.
How do I submit for a role? Do I need video to submit? |
Video is required for most submissions on our site. Casting needs to see you on camera to confirm whether or not you are right for the role. Locate which role you want to submit for on the Roles page, upload your desired media (we suggest a headshot, resume, and demo reel or self-tape) and Click the "Submit" link. You are done!
I am not within the age range or citizenship restrictions of a certain role or open call. Can I still submit? |
If a role states that you must be over a certain age to submit, no one under that age will be considered. There are no exceptions to this rule. Likewise, if a role states that only people residing in a particular area will be considered, there will be no exceptions made to this rule either. While certain roles may allow you to submit even if your demographic information does not match, that does not mean you will be considered. It is advisable to only submit to things that fit your description.
I am unable to upload my video, what can I do? |
If you are finding your video will not upload, here is what you can do:
- Make sure you are using the correct file types, (mpeg, mov, wmv, mp3, mp4, mpg, m4v), and that your video meets our exact specifications (UNDER 500MB).
- Wait another 5 minutes to make sure you have given it enough time.
- Cancel the upload and try again.
- Try a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
- Make sure there are no special characters in the names of the files you're trying to upload.
- Ensure your flash player is up-to-date.
How do I know if my media was submitted? |
In order to confirm that your submission went through, please visit the "History" Tab in your account. You can see all of our submissions there, each with the associated media: resume, headshot, and videos. If you have not already done so, you will need to either confirm your account via the email sent to you when you submitted your self-tape or select "forgot password" from the log in box to send your password to your email. |
There is already a package in my account that I didn't create, what is it? |
We create a package for you automatically when you set up your profile based on the first photo, video and resume you upload. This initial package is simply there to get you started.
I (or my child) auditioned for an open call. When and how will I find out about it? |
The casting office will contact you (or your agent if you have one) directly either by phone or email. At Cast It Talent we do not have information about when casting decisions will be made. You will hear from the casting office directly if they want to bring you in for another audition.
I do not live/work in Los Angeles or New York, is there anything for me? |
Absolutely. One of the important missions of Cast It Talent is to connect regional and international talent to the productions that are shooting in their area via the Cast It Talent Gig-Finder Roles on your Roles Tab. Today, many films and television shows are produced outside of the big media centers. However in many regions, there is not an established casting community to bring in the local talent, so our Cast It casting directors use Cast It Talent to find talent for roles that will be in a location outside of Los Angeles (or New York). You can filter your roles by location; casting offices are adding more and more out-of-area and international roles all the time.
I do not live in the United States. Is there anything for me? |
Our company is open for actors to join worldwide and there are benefits for actors around the world.
You can submit to roles no matter where you are located, as long as you fit the requirements of the role. We will state that many of our roles are located in the US since we are also based in the US, but that should not discourage you from wanting to submit because you may be what the casting director is looking for, particularly for larger Talent Searches.
Our services are also used as a virtual resume. For example, your account can contain headshots, videos, and resumes, and with a click of a button you can send that package to anyone via email. All the recipient needs to do is click on the link and view. No downloads. No waiting.
For actors outside the US we recommend starting with a Free Basic account in order to see if you find our service to be of value.
What does video converting mean? |
When you upload your video to Cast It Talent, it goes through a process on our servers of converting to a format so it is easily viewable by anyone on either a Mac or PC. Please be patient with this process, it can take 10-20 minutes after you upload for the process to be complete. You will know it's done converting when you can play the video from within your Cast It Talent History Tab or you can click on it on the Media Tab. Once it's converted, it's ready to be added to a package and submitted.
If there is a conversion issue with your video, you will receive an email asking you to re-export and re-upload your video as soon as possible.
Contact Us |
Customer Service is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm PST and aims to return all inquiries within two business days. Please email talent@castitsystems.com with your question or concern and we will be happy to help! |
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